For those that had members of their family in Angola or SWA that saw action ………………..did u ever think why ur Dad, Brother, Husband or Family Member has had mood swings or sometimes violent ways or just sometimes really depressed and not very social. Well I will let u into a secret …………..they are fucked from what they saw or had to do and to make things even more complicated in SA there was never any help to get us back into normal life or living a normal life as the war in our heads never leave us. So before u or anyone else talks a brother down because of his Military Past please take a minute to think why he is like he is and why he seems so distant or sad, these are living Legends that while the rest of SA carried on like nothing was happening up north were in actual fact
Keeping u and ur loved ones safe and South Africa free of Communism. The Men that fought a war with no questions asked are in my eyes THE REAL DEAL and I Salute U All My Brothers.
October Month should be every month but this month please make an effort to show our Brothers and Sisters how much we appreciate what they did for all and the pain they still live with every day.